JSP-Product / JSP-Timetracker™


JSP-Timetracker™ is browser-based time management system designed especially for small and medium-sized companies which we provide on a "compact server". It allows you to easily track the time spent on different projects, define the hourly rate on a customer-by-customer basis and define project budgets and track budget implementation in practice. In addition, various time-independent costs can be added to projects.

User management protects various functions and users can be added as needed. The user interface has been translated into Finnish and English, as well as several other languages. It is possible to add new translations.

Installation and Commissioning

Setting up JSP-Timetracker™ is easy. We deliver the software pre-installed on a "compact server" that you can connect directly to a router or switch and then ready to use from your company's intranet. No further actions are required! Alternatively JSP-Timetracker™ can be installed on your own server and for this we provide installation services.

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Name: Kimai.

Development: Developed as an open source project. Check the source codes here. You can check the current version here (username: admin, password: changeme).

Info: A discussion forum can be found here, if there is a need for general support. You can also get help directly from us if you purchased the hardware or installation work from us.

Content of delivery: The delivery includes all the necessary hardware and accessories with which the software is immediately ready for use.

Price: We do not charge for the software, only for the hardware and installation work. No fixed monthly fees associated with using the features of the software.

Other: Don’t waste your precious time on installation work, we’ll take care of it for you!

Various functions and user interfaces. Mobile apps for Android, for iPhone and light version.

Hour tracking

Export of data

Android app

Simplified user interface


JSP-IT Solutions Oy (Ltd)

We are a company focused on IT challenges. Our core competencies include software design and implementation as well as installation and commissioning of the IT environment not forgetting consulting.

Handlet™, Nearby-IT™ and JSP-Product™ are trademarks of JSP-IT Solutions Oy (Ltd).

Business ID: 2721955-5


Amplicon - hardware co-operation
Coinmotion - cryptocurrency services
Envato Market - themes with installation support
FSM - products reseller
Handheld Group AB - products reseller
N‑able - service provider
Storage IT - reseller ja business partner
Telia Inmics-Nebula - services as co-operation
Tosibox - products distributor
Traficom - official fi-domain registrar
Zoner - webhotels with installation support


+358 44 239 3400 - Jani Hautanen
Jitsi - remote support / conference call
Contact form - any issues

info@jsp-it.fi - general issues and feedback
myynti@jsp-it.fi - services and products
helpdesk@jsp-it.fi - technical support

Rantakylaentie 452, 62800 Vimpeli, Finland