Our Location and Contact Information

Contact Us!

We will handle the contacts as quickly as possible. Please, use the form below to indicate your interest, suggest an appointment or give feedback on our activities.

Contact Information

Phone: +358 44 239 3400

Email (general issues and feedback): info@jsp-it.fi
Email (services and products): myynti@jsp-it.fi
Email (technical support): helpdesk@jsp-it.fi

Best time to contact during normal workday 08:00 - 18.00 and during weekends 10:00 - 16.00.

Billing and visiting address:

Rantakylaentie 452,
62800 Vimpeli,

JSP-IT Solutions Oy (Ltd)

We are a company focused on IT challenges. Our core competencies include software design and implementation as well as installation and commissioning of the IT environment not forgetting consulting.

Handlet™, Nearby-IT™ and JSP-Product™ are trademarks of JSP-IT Solutions Oy (Ltd).

Business ID: 2721955-5


Amplicon - hardware co-operation
Coinmotion - cryptocurrency services
Envato Market - themes with installation support
FSM - products reseller
Handheld Group AB - products reseller
N‑able - service provider
Storage IT - reseller ja business partner
Telia Inmics-Nebula - services as co-operation
Tosibox - products distributor
Traficom - official fi-domain registrar
Zoner - webhotels with installation support


+358 44 239 3400 - Jani Hautanen
Jitsi - remote support / conference call
Contact form - any issues

info@jsp-it.fi - general issues and feedback
myynti@jsp-it.fi - services and products
helpdesk@jsp-it.fi - technical support

Rantakylaentie 452, 62800 Vimpeli, Finland